doing housework is a kind of exercise for i do housework every day and i like to do housework.
i usually cook meals for myself.because my parents are busy with their that,i have to cook meals by myself.besides that,i always make my bed,do the dishes and so on.
when i cooked meals firstly,i knew no one could help me.i wanted to cook an egg.but when i put it into the pan,the egg fell into the pan.i used my hand to cook the egg,but the egg fell into the pan again and it was broken.i used a fod to beat the egg. after a while it was ready. i put it on the plate .i ate it carefully because i was afraid to eat that egg i cooked.
when my parents arrived home,i told my parents my experience of cooking an parents encouraged me ,then they laughed. but i wasn’t angry because i grew up .
i think there have been some changes in my life. i am glad.